5 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Playful, shy, loyal, aloof, sassy… Cat personalities come in all shapes and sizes. Today we will be focusing on the friendliest cat breeds. Don’t worry if your favourite cat breed isn’t on the list, within all breeds and mixes can be the friendliest and most affectionate individuals. All cats are different, and although breeds have some specific personality traits, there are a few cat breeds that are known as being particularly friendly. Here’s our top 5 friendliest cat breeds.
- Ragdoll Known as the ‘laidback cat’, Ragdolls are recognised as one of the most family friendly cats due to their loving and relaxed personality. These cats love nothing more than to spend time with their owner, even If that means following you around when you’re too busy for hugs. Some ragdolls personalities are more like dogs than cats, due to their puppy-like docile nature.
- Persian Affectionately known as the ‘ultimate lap cat’, Persians are friendly, sociable and can be very loving. They enjoy snuggling up with their favourite human and many have a very laid back and relaxed nature. This is definitely a cat that looks forward to you getting home from work so you can pay them some attention.
- Burmese Known as the ‘curious cat’, you will often find a Burmese perched on the window sill staring at the world outside. Their inquisitive mind just can’t help staring at the world outside. But don’t think they will completely ignore their owners. There is only so much attention you can give a cat on a daily basis and the Burmese will take all of it. They are one of the most affectionate cat breeds you’ll ever meet, always up for snuggling time and keen to be part of a vibrant family dynamic.
- Sphynx The Sphynx is the breed that many would consider the title holder of friendliest cat. There is no doubt that the Sphynx loves human attention, affection and a good play session but perhaps they are so affectionate because they rely on humans to keep them warm and clean. They are talkative and playful and if that’s not the definition of a best friend we don’t know what is.
- Scottish Fold The Scottish fold is the happiest when they are spending time with their human owners. They’re so keen to participate in all of the activities that you will soon start suspecting they have no idea they are actually a cat and not a human. These cats come with quite a few unique quirks that you’ll inevitably fall in love with, from their folded ears to their ability to sit up on their back legs. Add their affectionate nature and you might have just found the friendliest cat breed ever. While the felines above make our friendliest cat breeds round-up, every kitty has his or her own personality. Therefore you may come across a standoffish Sphynx or a shy Ragdoll. It doesn’t mean they are any less special, it simply indicates that they like to walk to the beat of their own drum. And who can resist individuality like that?